Steps to Integrate AWS Cloud Watch with AlarmsOne:


Amazon CloudWatch is used to collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms. Amazon CloudWatch can monitor AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon DynamoDB tables, and Amazon RDS DB instances, as well as custom metrics generated by your applications and services, and any log files your applications generate.


To integrate CloudWatch with AlarmsOne for alarms tracking, follow the steps below.



Steps to be followed in AlarmsOne:


1. Click onApplications icon in the left panel.


2. Click on Add Application. Here, select AWS Cloud Watch.


3. Fill in the Application Label (e.g. AWS_CloudWatch).


4. Click Add. A URL will be generated. Please copy the URL.



Steps to be followed in AWS CloudWatch:


1. Sign In to AWS Console and select the service SNS by clicking on Services at the top left corner.


2. Create New Topic named AlarmsOne.


3. Select the AlarmsOne topic from left pane.


4. Click on Create Subscription.


5. Set Protocol as HTTPS.


6. Paste the URL copied from AlarmsOne in Endpoint and click subscribe.


7. Associate the topic AlarmsOne to each EC2 Instance by editing the cloud watch alarms.