Steps to Integrate HP SiteScope with AlarmsOne:


HP SiteScope is an On-Premises, agentless monitoring software that can monitor yourentire IT infrastructure.  SiteScope focuses on monitoring the availability and performance. It monitors Servers, Network devices and services, Applications and application components, operating systems and various IT enterprise components.


To integrate HP SiteScope with AlarmsOne, follow the steps below.



Steps to be followed in AlarmsOne:

1. Click Applications icon in the left panel.


2. Click on Add Application. Here, select HP SiteScope.


3. Fill in the Application Label (e.g. SiteScope).


4. Select appropriate Time Zone to report about the alarms.


5. Click Add. A URL will be generated. Please copy the displayed URL.



Steps to be followed in HP SiteScope:


1. Login into HP SiteScope server.


2. Download  and extract the zip file AlarmsOne_hpsitescope  and save it under SiteScope Installation directory </HP/SiteScope/>


3. Sign In to HP SiteScope UI


4. Click on Alerts Tab at the right corner and Select New Alert (*) icon.


5. New Alert window will pop up. Fill in the alert name and description.


6. In the Alert Targets, select the device groups or entity for which you need to generate alert.


7. In Alert Action, select New Alert Action icon (*).


8. In the New Alert Action pop up, select the option POST.


9. Upon selecting POST, you will have Pop up to fill Action Name . Here, paste the URL copied from AlarmsOne in the POST to URL form.


10. Select the Template as AlarmsOne_Template.


11. Authorized Username and Password is an option.  Fill in the proxy details if the alert data has to be posted via proxy server.


12. Select the schedule convenient to you and select the criticality of alarm.


13. Also, specify the Trigger Frequency and click OK.