Steps to Integrate Google Chat with AlarmsOne:


Google Chat is a team collaboration tool. To integrate Google Chat with AlarmsOne and share alarms with Google Chat, follow the below steps.




Steps to be followed in Google chat:


1.Log in to Google chat, go to the room to which you want to add a bot.


2.From the menu at the top of the page, select Configure webhook.


3.Under Incoming Webhooks, click ADD WEBHOOK.


4.Name the new webhook and click SAVE. Copy the URL listed in the Webhook URL column.



Steps to be followed in AlarmsOne:


1. Click on Applications icon in the left panel.


2. Click on Add Application. Here, select OutBound tab and click on Google Chat.


3. Fill in the Application Label (e.g. Google Chat).


4.Paste the WebHook URL copied from Google chat in AlarmsOne and save the settings.



Now, you can share and discuss alarms in Google chat.