Steps to integrate Monitis with AlarmsOne:


Monitis is a SaaS-based monitoring service used to monitor and manage your websites, servers, networks, cloud systems & applications to ensure performance and reliability. We use Webhook URL to integrate Monitis with AlarmsOne.


To integrate Monitis with AlarmsOne for alarms tracking, follow the steps below:



Steps to be followed in AlarmsOne:


1. Click on Applications icon in the left panel.


2. Click on Add Application. 


3. Here, select Monitis.


4. Fill in the Application Label (e.g. Monitis).


5. Click Add. An app-specific URL is generated. Please copy the generated URL.



Steps to be followed in Monitis:


1. Go to Alerts tab and click on Contacts.


2. Add new Contact and give the name as AlarmsOne.


3. Choose contact type as Webhook.


4. Paste the webhook URL provided in the AlarmsOne in webhook URL.


5. Choose Request type as POST and data format as JSON.


6. You can associate the Contact to Contact groups.


7. Choose the timezone in which you are monitoring. Please make sure you provide the same time zone when adding the Monitis application in Alarmsone


8. You can enable the sensitive alerting if you require and click on Next. Choose Custom Configuration (Advanced).


9. You will be asked to verify the subscription URL. The URL will be verified at Alarmsone. Click OK.


10. Define the alert rules that you want to configure and click OK. Your contact is added and can send data to webhook URL. The URL configured will be active and will start sending alerts to Monitis.